About us

Founded in 2022, this not-for-profit organisation is run by two mothers with Sheehan’s Syndrome.

Our vision is to provide a safe and supportive community for those living with maternal pituitary conditions.

We offer information about seeking diagnosis and getting diagnosed, right through to living with a pituitary condition whilst caring for a family.

These pituitary conditions are under researched and we hope to change this. We campaign for greater awareness amongst healthcare professionals and support training and education to ensure early diagnosis and better treatment for those affected.

As there is limited published research about Sheehan’s Syndrome and postpartum Lymphocytic Hypophysitis, we are still learning.

We are committed to bringing you up-to-date information and to ensuring that we provide you with the latest thinking and literature.

This website has been fact checked by Dr Philip Kelly, Consultant Endocrinologist and General Physician at Kings College Hospital, London.

Why are we called Maternal Pituitary Support?

Our organisation provides support for women, and their families, with pituitary conditions that arise during pregnancy, childbirth, or the early postnatal period. This includes those who may have sadly experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, or loss of their baby. We use the term maternal to welcome anyone with a pituitary condition arising during this unique time of life.

Further research needed

Scientists have called for further research into the causes of pituitary damage in pregnancy, childbirth and the early postnatal period. We believe these conditions and those suffering from them have been overlooked for too long. Diagnoses may include:

  • Sheehan’s Syndrome

  • Lymphocytic Hypophysitis

  • Postpartum Hypopituitarism of unknown cause

Supportive and Caring Community

We’re here to provide a supportive, caring and kind community and to bring women and their families together. We advocate for improved care and research into these often-overlooked conditions.

This organisation is run by mothers, for mothers.

As we are not endocrine health professionals, we are unable to give individual medical advice.

Our information pages have been checked by relevant medical professionals; however, they are not designed to substitute medical advice for you as an individual. If you require medical advice, please contact your health care provider.

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