Maternal Pituitary Support

x Self Space

x The National Lottery

Your mental health is important

Are you struggling to process what has happened to you? Do you feel anxious and worried and is it impacting on your life and family life?

If you live in the UK, you can apply to receive therapy sessions to help you work through birth trauma and living with a long term health condition.

We are grateful to The National Lottery Awards for All for funding this project and to all the Lottery players.

Please note, this opportunity is currently available for UK applicants only. It’s first come, first served, so don’t delay!

Apply for therapy sessions now!

Self Space

Our partnership

We’re excited to announce we’re partnering with Self Space to deliver our National Lottery Awards for All funded project. Together, we’ll be supporting mothers with Sheehan’s Syndrome in the UK to access therapy sessions to support their mental health.

Self Space’s mission is to positively change the culture around mental health and they launched the first on-demand mental health service on the high street.

We love how Self Space are breaking down barriers and making therapy more accessible to everyone. Taking care of our mental health is so important and enables us all to thrive.

It’s been A LOT for everybody in our community. Mothers could have experienced birth trauma, postnatal depression, baby loss, secondary infertility, and they are all living with an unexpected long-term health condition and for many of these women they had it for years before diagnosis.

We are so thrilled that The National Lottery has given us a chance to help our community.

We really feel confident that with Self Space’s carefully selected therapists and a bespoke matching service, we will provide our community with the right support they need.

Magdalena Watling supporting our Directors

We are pleased to announce that Magdalena Watling will be providing support to our Directors with dedicated sessions to allow them space to reflect, talk and process areas that arise. These vital sessions will enable the Directors to better care for and support their growing community.